After week 3 of the semester, each class will typically have two assigned papers. Students are expected to read all the papers before class. In addition, by 5:00 PM of the day prior to class, every student is required to submit a short summary/review of each of the papers.
Each review should be about 3/4 page to one page in length, and should present key ideas from the paper. Each review should be self-contained, i.e., it should be possible to understand the summary without having read the full paper. Your target audience is a (hypothetical) CS 755 student who has not read the paper. In other words, assume your reader already has some famiarity with the topics covered in this course, but not with the material in the paper you are summarizing.
Since your space islimited \, you cannot possibly include everything from the paper in your summary. A major part of your task is to decide what to present in your summary and what to leave out. Include what you feel are the most important ideas in the paper, and include only as much as you can present clearly in the space allotted to you. Do not plagiarize - write in your own words. Any direct quotations should be brief and properly identified and attributed.
The points addressed in this summary/review are the following:
Your summary should be submitted as a PDF file, in single-column format. Use at least a 10 point font.